We use of 2’s complement number because in
microprocessor-base equipment, binary cannot do a minus operation. The equation need to be change from minus to plus ( a-b = a+(-b) ).
A Boolean algebra is the combinations of
variables and operators.Typically, it has one or more inputs and produces an
output in the range of 0 or 1.
All Boolean eqution can be represented in
two forms:
ØSum-of-products (SOP)
of input values that produce 1s is the convert into equivalent variables ANDed
together then ORed with other combination variables with the same output.
-SOP is
easier to derive from truth table.
SOP expression
F= (A’B’C’D’) + (A’B’C’D)
+ (A’B’CD) + (ABC’D)
ØProduct-of-sums (POS)
combinations that produces 0 in sum terms
-Covert input
values that produces 0s into equivalent variables,ORed the variables,then ANDed
with other ORed forms.
-Usually use if more 1s produces in output function.
algebra uses variable and operators to represent logic circuits. The variable
and function have only one value, 0 and 1. The complement of a variable is
shown by a bar over the letter such as or apostrophe
(A’). Table 4-1 summarizes logic gates as the symbol of the function in Boolean
4.2 Combinational
Can be defined in three ways:
1.Truth table – The truth table shows many possible of input
values,in tabular from between the input values and the result of a specific
Boolean operator or combination on the input variables.
2.Graphical symbols – the layout of connected gates that
represent the logic circuit.
3.Boolean equations – Boolean function that consists possible
combination of input that produce an output signal.
Hye there, now the session is with me Muhamad
Firdaus Afandi Bin Majid, I’m going to explain about basic binary number
operation. As we know binary come from the ‘BI’ that means two. So in this case
binary also represent two items which are 1 and 0. As for the basic binary
number operation it contain four elements. Binary Addition, Binary Subtraction,
Binary Multiplication and Binary Division. Hope you understand and enjoy the
post ^^
Binary Addition
Basically that we need to know is there are 4 rules
that we need to obey in binary addition just as shown in the table.
Binary Rules
0 + 0 = 0
0 + 1 = 1
1 + 0 = 1
1 + 1 = 1
Example on how to do Binary Addition
Still don’t understand?? Do not worry, here I
included a link that make your understanding a lot more clearer. There are step
of images to solve binary addition problems. Check it out.
Next , doing binary subtraction is easy like
learning A B C and 1 2 3, just a little more advance of course. Haha. Anyway,
still remember how we solve a math equation that have a subtraction on it?? It
is quite the same method but different understanding.
On what we learn on primary school, we borrow
the number on its left neighbor and then add it to the right number by ten.
Just like the image above we borrowed seven and add to the two thus it will
become twelve.
Contrary on Binary subtraction is we borrow the
value from the value 1 from the borrowed and the value of the borrower that is
zero will become 1. Then the subtraction process will go just like in the table
Binary Rules
0 – 0 = 0
0 – 1 = 1
1 – 0 = 1
1 - 1 = 1
We also include some video from the youtube for you
to be clear about Binary Subtraction. Credit to d4rkpho3n1x.
Binary Multiplication
Now we move on to the next operation which is Binary
Same like the before two other operation, there are four
rules that we should follow in Binary Multiplication.
Binary Rules
0 x 0 = 0
0 x 1 = 1
1 x 0 = 1
1 x 1 = 1
Binary Division
Now we come to the last part of the basic binary
operation which is binary division.
In Binary division follow the same procedure as binary multiplication.
Here I included some tutorial video from the youtube, this time credit goes to
David Williams.